Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Matlab Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Matlab - Assignment Example This was confirmed through comparing the result with that of the plot. 5. The area of the land above the planned road was obtained using integration method (trapezoid method) to find the total area under the curve and subtracting the total area of the area of land under the planned road. This was achieved through the matlab trapz () On using the d =diff(sign(y-s)) function where s was the equation for the best fit and y was for the terrain curve the non zero points were obtained.-2 and 2 were the non zero points which corresponded to respective x points.those x points are as shown below It was noted that those points corresponded with the x points where the two curves intersected.These points were displayed in pairs(first one showing the x point for the start of the region and second one showing the end point for the region)e.g Next the program requests the user to enter the number of regions in the graph. In our case they were 7.This was made in order to allow the user more control over the area calculation and reduce errors. The program calculates the area of the region under the curve subtracts the region under the best fit then sums it up. It then asks for the second points. Calculates the area then adds it to the total. At the end of the last region it multiplies the area with 10(road width and gives the total volume Thread Subject: How to find position of specific vector value. (n.d.). How to find position of specific vector value. Retrieved May 8, 2014, from

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